Zach - September-October 2008 click here to go to Zach's Nov-Dec '08 page

Zach, watching a truck, in Daddy's shoes. 09/04/08

Lambie helping Zach sweep :=) 09/04/08

"Yeehaw! Yeehaw!" :=D 09/04/08

A visit from Aunt Karie and Uncle Jim ! 09/06/08

Reading a story with Aunt Karie & Mommy 09/06/08

Zach & his papa :=) 09/06/08

two months old . . . 12/07/06

On the changing table:

My, how time flies !

23 months old 09/14/08

. . . six months old 04/10/07

Speaking of our little boy growing up,... :=D 09/14/08

We've started doing "Lord projects," courtesy of the General Church Office of Education - here, the Creation story, Day 1 09/18/08

Creation, still Day 1 - so proud of himself! 09/18/08

Creation, Day 2 09/21/08

Creation, Day 3 09/24/08

Creation, Day 4 09/30/08

Creation, Day 5 09/30/08

Creation, Day 6 10/13/08

Creation, Day 7 - and the box is complete ! 10/13/08

A rare picture of Jenn and her Zachy :=) 09/28/08

Can it be ? ! Zachary is TWO !! 10/10/08

Wow, time really does fly... Zach is TWO !! 10/10/08

See comparative chair pics here

Happy 2nd birthday, Zach !! (We celebrated in low-key style on the 10th; his party was the next morning!) 10/10/08

Zach's birthday party! L-R: Jenni & Jack DeLuca, Zach in hat, Calvin Smith (Lamar & Barrett's), Mia & Katy Abbott) 10/11/08

Zach at his party - hooonk! 10/11/08

Playing in the leaves with Daddy :=) 10/12/08

Aunt Lisa popped down for a visit - fun! 10/16/08

Grammy & Grampa came down to see their littlest grandson ! :=) 10/18/08

Zach is thrilled to have "DOO deeo"! :=D 10/18/08

Ok, this has nothing to do with Zach, but those who know my dad might appreciate this! :=D 10/19/08

He really did drive the go-kart, too; I was kind of shocked! (And Zach was fairly having a heart attack, poor thing!) (As when Daddy drives, too.) 10/19/08

Tossing the ball with Aunt Barbara 10/23/08


"Playing cards" with Grandma :=) 10/23/08

Painting a wee pumpkin at Ivyland's Octoberfest 10/25/08

'Helping' Mommy carve our Hallowe'en pumpkin (He pulled out one handful of gook, and that was it!) 10/26/08

Helping make Mommy's birthday cake! (He really can be quite helpful, although this particular egg ended up mostly on the floor... :=D ) 10/26/08

"Abby buway doo Mommy!" 10/28/08

Goodness ! Snow, on Oct. 28? ! (Wasn't any fun to play in, btw; very wet! :=P ) 10/28/08

Howdy, pardners! Happy "Howe'en"! :=D 10/31/08

"Hee-haw!" 10/31/08

. . . If the backdrop weren't the basement steps, I might think this was professionally posed?! 10/31/08

"Ok, Zach - smile!" :=D (He has apparently reached the age of forced 'smiles'!) (...A squirrel got to our jack-o-lantern, btw; it was originally much happier-looking!) 10/31/08

Cowboy down . It's been a long, napless day ! 10/31/08

click here to go to Zach's Nov-Dec '08 page